PRICE: $600
This is a Sniper Tactical Employment Course. This is an elite and unique course. It trains the precision marksman to operate beyond the traditional role of a Police Sniper. It represents the diverse capabilities possessed by the officer. In order to succeed, students should arrive familiar with their weapon system and with the Arkansas Law Enforcement Precision Rifle Qualification Course. This course will begin with a refresher of the basics of rifle marksmanship and the Arkansas Law Enforcement Precision Rifle Qualification Course. It will then move on to more advanced tactical courses of fire. These courses of fire include known and unknown distance, high angle engagements, barricade shooting (Loopholes), multiple position engagements, tripod shooting, moving target engagement, This course will focus on the shooter spotter relationship and calling shot corrections All courses of fire will be shot in both full and low light conditions. The Primary focus of the Advanced Sniper Operators Course is the tactical employment and operations of the law enforcement sniper and reconnaissance officer. The Advanced course is more focused on precision shooting and making precise shot placement from uncomfortable hasty positions, with major focus on the shooter spotter relationship. The instruction will be set in a relatively low stress environment. However, this will be a physically and mentally demanding course. Safety and mastery of the subject matter will be paramount. The instructors will strive to teach and help all students succeed through the course. However, instructors will dismiss any student at any time they determine to be unsafe or incapable of operating in a mature, responsible, moral and effective manner (Dismissal from the class, for any reason, is non-refundable).
October 4-6 2024
This is a 3 day Tactical man tracking course covering, rural and urban tracking. Students should be in good shape, and come willing to learn. This class will cover a variety of topics, including footprint analysis, recording information, vegetation analysis, stride information, and much much more!
APRIL 2025
PRICE: $450
This is a Sniper Tactical Employment Course. This is an elite and unique title. It signifies an officer who is trained to operate beyond the traditional role of a Police Sniper. It represents the diverse capabilities possessed by the officer. To succeed, students should become familiar with their weapon system and with the Arkansas Law Enforcement Precision Rifle Qualification Course. This course will begin with the basics of rifle marksmanship and the Arkansas Law Enforcement Precision Rifle Qualification Course. It will then move on to more tactical courses of fire. The Primary focus of the Basic Sniper Operators Course is the tactical employment and operations of the law enforcement sniper and reconnaissance officer. The instruction will be set in a relatively low stress environment. However, this will be a physically and mentally demanding course. Safety and mastery of the subject matter will be paramount. The instructors will strive to teach and help all students succeed through the course matter. However, they will dismiss any student at any time they determine to be unsafe or incapable of operating in a mature, responsible, moral, and effective manner. Upon successful completion of this course the sniper will receive the title “Sniper Operations Officer”.
All classes, location, and times are subject to change at the discretion of MOA Tactical.