Basic Pistol

PRICE: $75


This class is designed for the new Pistol shooter, whether you are brand new to operating a Pistol, or just want a refresher this class is for you. The class will cover, Pistol nomenclature, sight picture, loading and unloading, grip, safety, and marksmanship. This class is open to civilians and law enforcement, minimum age is 18.

Combat Pistol Carbine

PRICE: $400

OCTOBER 19TH-20TH, 2024

This class is designed for patrol officers, prospective SRT members, and qualifying civilians. This class will cover multiple target engagements, hostage situations, shoot/no shoot scenarios, basic room clearing, switching between pistol and carbine, and shooting while moving.

Scoped Patrol Rifle

PRICE: $250


The class is for LEO and Government employees only. This is not a Sniper class. This class will cover use of a scoped patrol rifle, system care, deploying with SPR, ranging, multi range target engagements, designated marksmanship, scope operation, hostage scenarios, and mechanical offset.

Precision Rifle 101

PRICE: $275

NOVEMBER 14TH-16TH, 2024

This class is open to all, students under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. This class will cover what is a precision rifle, nomenclature, how to set up a precision rifle, scopes, MOA vs MIL, ranging with a scope, precision ammo, drop calculations, wind reading, engagements out to 500 yards, unconventional shooting positions, and gear. A welcome packet and gear list will be available after the registration form is filled out and returned. 

Basic Carbine

PRICE: $75


This class is designed for everyone, students under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. This class will cover operation of the AR 15 platform, cleaning and care, marksmanship, sights, malfunction drills, safety, 3 positional shooting, and capabilities.

Combat Pistol Carbine

PRICE: $400

MARCH 29TH-30TH 2025

This class is designed for patrol officers, prospective SRT members, and qualifying civilians. This class will cover multiple target engagements, hostage situations, shoot/no shoot scenarios, basic room clearing, switching between pistol and carbine, and shooting while moving.

Basic Sniper Operations Course

PRICE: $450

MAY 14TH-18TH 2025

All classes, location, and times are subject to change at the discretion of MOA Tactical.